Personal Virtual Dental Assistant

What do we do?

You can use our intelligent virtual dental assistant to ask questions and get an understanding of your dental condition. Ultimately, if you want to confirm the findings with a live dentist, you will send us a few pictures of your teeth and we will answer your dental questions, in a language that is easy to understand.

We will help with a solution.

Think of us as your personal affordable (or free) dentist for a second dental opinion. We will be with you, before, during or after your dental journey. We will not treat your condition, but help you recognize it, diagnose it and find help. Our product and service is knowledge and transparency.

So, what questions can we answer? Here are a few sample ones:

I was told I have a cavity!

What is a cavity?

I need a root canal! What is it? Does it hurt?

What is an Implant

and many, many more…

And sample questions based on your pictures ?

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